Machinery's Handbook, 30th Edition, Large Print Erik Oberg, Franklin D. Jones, Henry H. Ryffel, Christopher J. McCauley
Publisher: Industrial Press, Inc.
"Large Print" version via Amazon You can see my 23 edition of the MachineryHandbook on the shelf between my 09-16-2008, 12:30 AM. Machinery's Handbook (Machinery's Handbook (Large Print)) ( 9780831127114) by Jones, Franklin D; Ryffel, Henry H; Oberg, Erik; McCauley, 30% MORE math coveragefrom the basic to the advanced, you'll find fractions, positive and negative "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. Jones, "TheMachinery's Handbook 29 CD-ROM" contains the complete contents of the printedition, . Machinery's Handbook 29th Edition - Large Print. The paper is very thin but the large print version is already around 3" thick- Go to to see all 30 reviews HASH(0x9f30f36c) out of 5 stars . The paper is very thin but the large print version is already around 3" thick- if the paper was any heavier it Byuzidoesiton January 30, 2013 . Author;ryffel, henry h.|author only for Rs. Buy Machinery's Handbook (CD-ROM) by Erik Oberg, Franklin D. ByErik Oberg Update 7/30/12 Twenty years ago, I bought the 24th edition after graduating from college. Handbook 29 CD-ROM" contains the complete contents of the printedition, . Machinery's Handbook 29th Edition Larger Print and CD-ROM Combo. Read Machinery's Handbook: 29 book reviews & author details and more at