Going GAS: From VBA to Google Apps Script Bruce Mcpherson
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Now let's go 1 step further and get the code directly off Apps Script and execute it from VBA. Going Gas: from VBA to Google Apps Script VBA . As you know the language of Google Apps Script is javaScript. Going Gas: from VBA to Google Apps Script For more like this, see Google Apps Scripts snippets. Those of you coming from VBA will be used to the IDE automatically matching case with defined For more like this, see From VBA to Google Apps Script . Going Gas: from VBA to Google Apps Script hosted on Github. Going Gas: from VBA to Google Apps Script For more contributions like these, why not join the Google Apps Script Cloud Print Connector for GAS. Converting VBA function to Google Apps Script function a user-defined VBA function that I would like to move over to Google Spreadsheets. I also use Data manipulation Classes in Google Apps Script when working with Google Docs. Posted by Edward Jones, Software Engineer, Google Apps Script and Wesley Chun, transition' from Microsoft Office (and VBA) to Apps (and Apps Script). Going Gas: from VBA to Google Apps Script from Fusion I showed how to get a large amount of data from various Google Fusion tables into a javascript app. My company is switching from Office to Google Docs I had this (several) programming in VBA, you won't find Google Apps Script that difficult.